I am an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) coach and Master Trainer, writer, educator, circle-dance facilitator, and former teacher employing experiential, skills-based approaches to support positive personal, professional, community, and global changes.
I first began my work as a teacher two weeks before my nineteenth birthday, soon discovering that in my inner-city, grade-one classroom, injustice in the form of poverty, ignorance, and rigid school routines would provide me with a lifetime of worthy causes. In my twenties and the decades beyond, I continued to seek out new learning and teaching experiences to support my desire to – in Gandhi’s words – “Be the Change” – I wanted to see in the world. During this time of continuous professional evolution, I worked at the craft of writing, completing a novel about ageism and injustice in my early thirties. To learn more about Under the Moon and my second novel, The Kinder Sadist, visit the Jane’s Books section of this website.
In my forties, at a watershed moment in my life, I discovered a community form of dance that celebrates the interdependence of all life on our beautiful Earth Home. Becoming a member of this far-flung global dancing community continues to nourish my enthusiasm and commitment to support positive change. At the time of joining this circle dance community I was completing a non-fiction work exploring the positive changes unfolding in Southwestern Ontario, my birthplace and long-time home. More information about Transformation in Canada’s Deep South, can be found in the Jane’s Books section of this website.
The energy tools I teach help to address the acute and chronic effects of trauma that can derail the conscious intentions of even the strongest people. Developmental Trauma is a relatively new term in our scientific vocabulary. It is used to distinguish trauma that often begins in utero and lasts for a long period of time from a single traumatic event, such as a car crash or natural disaster that occurs in adulthood and leads to Post Traumatic Stress. This is a useful distinction to make when addressing the long-term patterns of emotional unease that manifest as chronic anxiety, physical pain, depression, and even hopelessness and suicidal ideation. Addressing early trauma with Emotional Freedom Techniques has proven to be a safe and gentle method of releasing the sensations, beliefs, and memories held in the body, often for decades. These “after-images” of early traumas often provoke the Flight, Fright, or Freeze responses that make life in the present moment more challenging than it otherwise would be. In my personal experience and my experience with clients, when we take care of these old hurts using EFT, we come more fully into our own power and purpose.
The call to “Be the Change” is, overall, an enriching experience. It must be said, however, that we are living through incredibly challenging times. Even without the burden of unhealed early trauma, we can feel isolated by the systemic unfairness embedded in our social structures. While there is no easy fix for the largest issues, we can add our share of optimism and clarity to our immediate environments simply by addressing our own unresolved issues and moving forward with the intention to add to the justice, kindness, and peace in the world.
Should you require personal coaching to soothe and release the pain from early, traumatic wounds, alleviate the stresses caused by increasingly demanding workplace tasks, or address specific issues such as the terrors of climate change and our feelings of grief and impotence regarding how we can participate in positive change, please email jane@winterblooms.net and type coaching query in the subject line. I currently offer online coaching and mentoring sessions via Zoom, a Skype-like technology that protects privacy and does not require client membership.
Thank you for visiting winterblooms.net. There is great power in knowing we are all called to the work of creating a more harmonious and loving world. Thank you for all you do to keep the positive energies flowing.