Attacking the Devil: Harold Evan’s Inspiration during Turbulent Times

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website in no way meant to replace building a relationship with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the Gary Craig website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane for EFT coaching support.

Sometimes we need inspiration, especially in the form of pertinent examples from the past, to help us to navigate a shockingly turbulent present.  Our current intersections of racism, systemic poverty, misogyny, LGBTQ assaults, and climate change with fascistic methods of governing a country that has prided itself on its democratic traditions for centuries deliver a call to action like no other in recent history.  How do we answer, and keep answering, the calls to protect citizens and non-citizens, animals, plants, birds and insects, the very air we breathe, the water we drink, the earth that grows all that is?   The most important answer to these questions is to participate in at least one of the hundreds of movements that have arisen to protect hard won democratic freedoms and all human and non-human inhabitants of our Earth home.

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The Call to Stand for Democracy and Justice

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website in no way meant to replace building a relationship with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the Gary Craig website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane for EFT coaching support.

So very much unfolds during daily life these days and yet our major sources of information choose to present minuscule slices of our global, national, and local stories. Most of the time news outlets we refer to as mainstream – because they are so readily available in all parts of Canada and the US – present the most shocking events, here and abroad, and increase their shock value through superficial methods of reporting.  By taking a break from our major news outlets, we soon discover that the world outside our doors and on our village and city streets is really very peaceful most of the time, and peopled with compassionate, hopeful women and men who want a better world for everyone – our citizens and non-citizens – children, elders, veterans, and non-human companions.

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