Nightbitch, the Wildness Archetype, and Rewriting the Doom Stories

In 1989, Clarissa Pinkola Estes gave us Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype. In 2021, Rachel Yoder gave us Nightbitch, a novel about one woman’s personal transformation into wholeness through her instinctual nature. I’m compelled to write this blog post because of a brief description of Marielle Heller’s film version of Rachel Yoder’s novel. The reviewer said only that the film Nightbitch is about how motherhood turns a woman into a dog.

As true as it is on the surface, to leave potential viewers and readers with this reductionist assessment is failing to understand both the novel’s and the film’s value. It is too easy to look away from Amy Adams as she morphs into this strange creature because the enchantment glamour creating our attraction to artificial beauty robs us of our experience of wildness. This glamour – more active in our culture since the spread of TV and all the screens to follow – also creates the illusion that we have no need for wildness, that it is gross and unnecessary.

Yet our loss of wildness is no small thing. It is the reason behind our undeniable climate crises. Lost wildness has also made our election of authoritarian strong men propped up by human fear possible all over our shared Earth Home. These murderous bullies have no relationship with the greater-than-human world beyond the intention to dominate it, to extract whatever they value, and to leave the rest, thinking they can rocket to Mars or the Moon and begin their exploitive, extractive ruthlessness once again. Some are creating schemes to replace wildness with a technological killing machine composed of so many seemingly unrelated parts it makes the Hydra of ancient times nothing but a silly creature easily outsmarted by Hercules and his nephew. Hercules is another strong-man-saviour myth popularized first by Greeks, who called him Heracles, and Romans, and then by North American culture’s cartoons and films.

When I first began this post, I explored my understanding of the human wildness archetypes as they manifest in human life. I began with scholarly examples because the defensive part of me needed to prove the absolute necessity of wildness in our lives. I’ve worked through that urge. This blog post is for people who already know how our relationships within the greater-than-human web are indispensable to our humanness, to our true nature. We cannot simply watch the world burn, and flood, and freeze, and bake when we have had our own experiences of wildness. Climate crises are personal to us; we know we – humans – have brought these climate crises on through our collective actions and our collusion with the corporations who have been saying since their inception “Hey, we’re here to make your lives better, more convenient, more . . . glamorous.”

When I was young and living in Windsor, teaching and doing what I could to make sense of an increasingly fractured world, a friend gave me a cartoon from the Detroit Free Press. I can’t remember the name of the cartoon, but in my memory, the sequence of pictures goes like this. First the character is sitting outside feeling beyond solace. Then she lies down and looks up at the sky. Then she rolls over and rests her cheek against the grass. Then she “tickles” the ground. When a flower springs up, her face radiates joy. The last panel says “You’re never lonely when Mother Nature loves you.” Now, looking back, I think I knew even then that was only a half truth. The corollary is also true: “You’re never lonely when you love Mother/Father Nature.”

Because of early circumstances that placed me in the greater-than-human world as a distressed toddler, I learned very early that Nature – a being I sensed even then to be all genders, species, and elements – loved and soothed me as the humans in my life could not. As a young adult feeling more and more enraged at the industrialized world’s destruction of the harmonies I’d been loving and being loved by for decades, I was surprised to learn many others didn’t share this experience. In fact, they thought my preoccupations with, value of, and respect for the world of dirt and water, growth and decay, weird.

It is weird, but only because the tech companies have all the media outlets through which to spread their authoritarian, strong-man, saviour myths. The only antidote I know for this endlessly cresting wave of false information is to build a raft of stories that remind us of the value of the wildness in the world, that power beyond human domination, stories like Nightbitch that remind us of the wildness in us, even when we smother it with cultural expectations and fear.

Read or see Nightbitch and draw your own conclusions about how motherhood became a catalyst for the artist-hero’s return to authenticity, to full flowering and fruit bearing, to wholeness. Yes, it’s story about a woman turning into a dog. And it’s a story about how our mammalian instinctive nature returns us to the night air that is the remedy for technology, to the fields of loam and possibility that are growing wildness all the time, to the forests of terror and joy beyond any device a human dreamed up and wants in our hands.

And if you need more stories about wildness and the value of the greater-than-human world, read Thomas Hardy, Elizabeth Gaskell, and all the current writers of fiction who are creating a path through the horrors of technological industrializing strong-man domination to roots literal and figurative pulsing with life. Walk in a forest or wood and feel the truth. Nature does not belong to us. We belong to and within the great web of life that is defeating technology and its worshipers through the raging storms unbridled technological manufacturing creates. Let us align with this massive power, let us take action. Let us feel the anguish of loss. Let our losses galvanize us to action to protect the world’s wildness and our own.

Until next time,


EFT and Renewal

As we expand into the warmth and light of 2019’s Summer energies, I think of our human populations here in the northern hemisphere as Light Repositories. In our bones we know this Light is already on the wane, having reached its peak of brilliance on the Summer Solstice, this year marked on June 21st. Here in Northeastern Vermont, neighbours on farms and in villages and towns gather to honour this pinnacle of Light and the official beginning of Summer. In our human expressions of gratitude for this season, we light our bonfires at night, our answering Response to the Sun’s glorious Call . . . to grow . . . to shine.

The four seasons we experience in the northern hemisphere are all about Renewal, the energy fuel powering both self-regulation and resilience. Regular periods of conscious renewal can make the difference between creative, joyful living and that other, driven way that can creep into our days and rob us of peace, well being, and even sleep. Summer Solstice renewal is all about embracing our ability to take in and reflect Light, both metaphorical and actual. We need the Sun’s warmth as surely as all species do, to feel whole. Stepping out into the Light of this new season, our feet bare, our hearts open, can help us to weather those inevitable dark times to come.

EFT supports renewal. Each day, a morning gratitude meditation while tapping through the points brings us home to the emotions of sacredness and belonging. Whatever our experiences, including high ACES, the loss of a Beloved, or the wearing stresses of a toxic work place, we can settle into the home our bodies provide when we are well regulated and in touch with the supportive energies of the seasons. This season, Summer, is all about action, moving out into the world with our gifts, connecting in heart space, growing through the pain of the larger world’s back story. Here, beneath our feet, Life stirs. Our outer fields are green and growing. They call to our inner landscapes to do likewise.

Because I believe we are always influenced by the larger stories of the world whether we consciously attend to learning about these or not, I spend time judiciously reading about current events through a variety of sources I can count on for reliable information. This research about current world events is very much like entering the lion’s den. I go into these information pools with my tapping and writing skills at hand, employing these to return to safety whenever I find the news threatening.

Knowing we are attached to the larger stories whether we are aware of our attachment or not has been knowledge that has served me well over the decades of my life. Now books reflect the influence of family and cultural histories, giving us context for our challenges. The person struggling with alcohol learns this is a family pattern begun perhaps when a veteran returned from the first World War and had no place to explore his grief and terror, emotions prowling around in his body until the alcohol temporarily relieves him of these profoundly disturbing feelings. Daily focused use of EFT clears personal challenges regarding our individual histories and gives us perspective on those patterns that come down to us through our individual families and cultures. This is why EFT is so essential to our renewal.

Renewal is always about strengthening our ability to know and to grow through our discoveries, positive and challenging. EFT along with Summer energies support our human endeavours to renew, to continue to contribute to our families, our communities, and our workplaces in positive ways. Renewal informs our relationship to the sacred space of this season. It prompts us to sit in the Sun, to absorb the Light and the heat, and to feel the eons of joy this loving relationship between Sun and Earth has nurtured since the Time before time.

Taking time – for stillness, for beauty, for deep gratitude for the natural world – acts as a tonic for our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. Our connection to this universal wholeness, unbreakable even when we are busy with other thoughts and activities, is the source of true power to live well and love our place in the world, whatever form that may take. This is the experience of renewal, of Renewal.

Whatever our season . . . , may we all look up and out to rediscover the magnificence of which we are an essential and inseparable part.

Until next time,


Visit to learn more about how the use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) supports the resolution of inner and outer conflicts, informs more loving and respectful relationships, and empowers its users to contribute to the changes we want to see in the world.

Jane is an EFT International Accredited Master Trainer,  writer, coach, and educator specializing in neutralizing the long-term effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  as well as the cultural limitations that interfere with our ability to imagine, create, and live the lives we desire.  To engage Jane for individual or group coaching services, EFT International(AAMET)  Accredited, Certified Mentoring sessions,  and EFT Level One and Two Training for your group, call Jane at  (802) 533-9277 or email .  Visit to learn more about how Jane supports and inspires individuals, groups, and communities.

Please Note:  This educational website cannot replace therapy with certified psychologists, family therapists, or psychiatrists.  Before certifiying with EFT International, Jane taught at the elementary, secondary, and college levels, in Ontario, and at the Community College of Vermont. She is an early trauma survivor who works exclusively as a learning coach in the best practices of EFT.  She created this website to support the most effective use of EFT to reduce general and specific stresses and to increase the joy of daily living through self regulation and pro-social experiences.

The Deep Dark Blessings of Winter Solstice

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website created to support the most effective use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).  To experience the benefits of EFT for in-the-moment emotional support and long-term emotional resilience, contact Jane (802) 533-9277 /  Visit and to learn more about how EFT can support the peaceful resolution of inner and outer conflicts, inform more loving relationships, and empower its practitioners to contribute to the changes we want to see in the world, 

Here in the northern hemisphere, we are passing through that momentary still point we call Winter Solstice.  This longest night of the year, calls us to gather in candle-lit rooms to share stories told in words, music, dance, and feasting, stories that promise our very survival with the return of warmth and light.  Hunkering down, together and alone, by fireside, candle, or electric hearth, this season of Renewal invites us to rest, to reflect, to touch the marrow of our lives on a planet dancing through space in rhythms so gracious and steadfast as to make all life grow, die back, and grow once more.  Winter Solstice brings out the poet and philosopher, the dark fear and the brilliant hope in each of us. In this time of least light, our inner eye senses our interconnections with every other being – human and non-human – with whom we share this glorious world.

Continue reading The Deep Dark Blessings of Winter Solstice

Taking a Sacred Pause

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website in no way meant to replace building a relationship with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the ACEP website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane for EFT coaching support.

Today in the northern hemisphere we are living through the very closest we on Earth get to Enlightenment.  The Summer Solstice,  the longest day and shortest night of the year, inspires all kinds of activities, from drum and dance circles and  community ceremonies to private moments in which the participant takes time to reflect on the metaphoric planting, growing, and harvesting we invite into our summer lives. This blog explores this individual way of honouring the Summer Solstice by taking time throughout today and the days to come to increase awareness of our inner gardens.

Continue reading Taking a Sacred Pause

A Winter Solstice Invitation

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website in no way meant to replace building a relationship with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the ACEP website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane for EFT coaching support.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice arrives on Monday, December 21, 2015. Most people recognize this date as the official first day of Winter.  Others mark it as the return of the growing light, those longer days that makes Spring possible in only three short months.
But the Winter Solstice is more than the first day of winter and the promise of spring; it also offers us an invitation to cultivate deep contemplation regarding a whole new cycle of death, birth, fruition, decay, death, and rebirth.  However you have marked this day in the past, may you find a meaningful, even ceremonial way of welcoming the Winter Solstice this season and the greater perspective it brings regarding the eternal round of life and death here on Planet Earth.

Continue reading A Winter Solstice Invitation

When Our World Becomes Unsafe

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website in no way meant to replace building a relationship with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the ACEP website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane for EFT coaching support.

The recent politically motivated San Bernardino shootings and the Paris terrorist acts present irrefutable proof that our ordinary, everyday world has become as unsafe as any war zone.  Paralleling this terrorism, murders of children and adults in elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and movie theatres paint a grim picture of mental illness manifesting as hatred that is not politically motivated.  How do we continue to go out into the world with enthusiasm and purpose when so many of our ordinary settings and activities seem increasingly precarious?  There are no easy answers to quell our fear and foreboding, only vitally important conversations to be had.  Tapping can help us to navigate these very troubled waters with one another.

Continue reading When Our World Becomes Unsafe

Our Vital Need for Renewal

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website in no way meant to replace building a relationship with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the Gary Craig website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane at 802-533-9277 or for EFT coaching support.

On this Spring Equinox, 2015, in the Northern Hemisphere on our beautiful, beleaguered planet, our thoughts naturally turn to Spring and the renewal we begin to sense all around us.  Here in Vermont that renewal is evident in the alternating warm and cold days that precipitate the sugaring season.  So much of what is essential in life we learn from the natural world . . . cycles of growth and rest perhaps among the most important of these lessons.  Learning to rest, to turn inward, to reflect on the interconnections among our thoughts and actions and the world we live in, is at the heart of renewal and the hallmark of maturity.  Never have we needed this mature practice more than we need it now.

Continue reading Our Vital Need for Renewal

After Sexual Assault

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website in no way meant to replace building a relationship with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the Gary Craig website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane at 802-533-9277 or for EFT coaching support.

Of all the challenges I deal with personally and professionally, none requires more sensitivity than sexual assault.  For most survivors just saying the term, or the more common word, rape, sets in motion a physiological chain reaction that often feels like someone’s fingers are probing around in our guts.  In survivors, this subject can trigger feelings of threat, of vulnerability, of shame, and – at the same time – of agency, of empowerment, and of triumph.  We can be terrified and in one and the same moment have the courage to speak out in order to honour our determination to heal and to support others in their healing.  We can rage against those who would blame us for the criminal acts of others and at the same time be calm enough to speak our truth, end the silence around these vicious crimes, and create community with others who feel vulnerable and ashamed and at the same time empowered to speak out against sexual predation and its coverups.

Continue reading After Sexual Assault

Making Sacred Promises

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website in no way meant to replace building a relationship with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the Gary Craig website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane at 802-533-9277 or for EFT coaching support.

Finding the sacred in promises we make to ourselves and others is an art.  We all know about the other kind of promises, those tossed off in the moment that we feel all right about breaking.  “Six?  Sure, I promise I’ll be there.”  And in the moment, we mean it;  we really do want to honour our promise to arrive when we say we will, because we want to show respect to those with whom we have relationships.  But made in the moment, these ordinary promises can be broken by poor planning and lack of foresight.  Then we tell ourselves, “Oh, I have a meeting at five I forgot about when I made those arrangements.  They’ll understand.”  And, most often, “they” do, especially when we send up a warning flag such as, “I’m running late.  Please start without me.  I’ll explain when I get there.”  The kind of promise that becomes sacred doesn’t start out that way.  We might initially consider the idea of losing excess weight for our health’s sake, or the idea of quitting smoking at the stroke of midnight, or the idea of exercising faithfully lightly.  We can learn to turn these considerations into sacred promises that improve our lives through the time and attention we give to them.

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