The Deep Dark Blessings of Winter Solstice

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website created to support the most effective use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).  To experience the benefits of EFT for in-the-moment emotional support and long-term emotional resilience, contact Jane (802) 533-9277 /  Visit and to learn more about how EFT can support the peaceful resolution of inner and outer conflicts, inform more loving relationships, and empower its practitioners to contribute to the changes we want to see in the world, 

Here in the northern hemisphere, we are passing through that momentary still point we call Winter Solstice.  This longest night of the year, calls us to gather in candle-lit rooms to share stories told in words, music, dance, and feasting, stories that promise our very survival with the return of warmth and light.  Hunkering down, together and alone, by fireside, candle, or electric hearth, this season of Renewal invites us to rest, to reflect, to touch the marrow of our lives on a planet dancing through space in rhythms so gracious and steadfast as to make all life grow, die back, and grow once more.  Winter Solstice brings out the poet and philosopher, the dark fear and the brilliant hope in each of us. In this time of least light, our inner eye senses our interconnections with every other being – human and non-human – with whom we share this glorious world.

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Tapping and the “One-Minute Wonder”

Please Note:  Winter Blooms is an educational website only and is in no way meant to replace experience with a trained EFT practitioner, counselor, or therapist.  To find an EFT Practitioner, visit the AAMET website, the EFT Universe website, the Tapping Solution website, or contact Jane at 802-533-9277 or for EFT coaching support.

Many people are introduced to Tapping with expectations of experiencing the “one-minute wonder” that put Gary Craig and the first EFT practitioners on the Energy Psychology map.  It is an unfortunate expectation, since some of  EFT’s most valuable results manifest without fanfare and over a relatively long period of time.  The yearning for instant change is often true for the young and eager students who come to the protocol wanting to transform their lives in fifteen minutes, or even an hour, without the deep reflection that contributes to our collective store of wisdom.

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