Transformation in Canada’s Deep South

Transformation in Canada’s Deep South / Jane Buchan / 1996

Transformation In Canada’s Deep South

Described as a “love letter to my place” Transformation was my very first attempt at self publishing.  After moving from Toronto to Kitchener, Ontario, in the early 90s, I began to make note of the positive changes that were transforming our food system in Southwestern Ontario.  Peace and Justice workers such as Vandana Shiva were giving talks on how globalization efforts were destroying our local food systems and introducing concepts like food sovereignty, monocultures, and the need for local and regional populations to protect their diverse food and water sources from corporate companies furthering agribusiness interests.  As a child of Essex County’s glorious bio-region, I knew the taste of a real tomato, the scent of onion fields after rain, and the relationships between old, back-road orchards and the pollinators vital to our food supply.  I didn’t know about Community Shared Agriculture and the relationship of local food systems to both community justice initiatives and the grass roots movements taking on government ineptitude.  Two years of research requiring travel around my home province reminded me of the beauty and integrity of my birthplace.  Transformation in Canada’s Deep South is indeed my love letter to this industrialized, over populated, magnificent biosphere where, despite corporate interests, it remains one of the most celebrated migratory pathways in Canada.

To order free copies of Transformation in Canada’s Deep South, please email for postage-cost estimates.  In the meantime, I hope you will explore your own unique part of the world and do what you can to protect its integrity and support your local, organic farmers.